Whew. We made it to project #7. That’s pretty fucking crazy for me to type LOL. What’s even crazier is project #8 is already done too, and was actually finished before I circled back to this one. Everything will make sense one day soon, but just know — ya boy has been WORKING. Over the last few years, I’ve intentionally sat out to grow and evolve as an artist — wanting to showcase more sides of my musicality and make my music better reflect both me as a person and my eclectic taste in music. R&B, however, has always, always, always been my roots. I’ll never stop saying it, because it’s true. The first music I ever FELT, that I ever LOVED, was Rhythm & Blues. It only made sense that I crafted an R&B album at some point or another. It took seven whole projects for us to get here, but here we are!

True Damez fans know R&B/Soul has always been a substantial part of my catalog and artistry. My very first EP in 2014 showcased some of my roots, while the next couple projects took it another huge step further each time. The Art of Extravagance in 2017 saw songs like “Fallen,” “Away,” “Like Me,” etc. blending my Rap and R&B sounds together, while records like “Hurricanes” and “Bleeding” were full-on R&B. Honestly, I feel like 2018’s Boy Meets World (my third project/second album) was mostly an R&B album haha — that LP is laced with R&B from top to bottom, even in some the Rap songs. I’m very proud of that record all these years later, especially that now, I have a fully realized R&B project under my belt. I like to attribute Boy Meets World as the necessary true ice breaker for Never Satisfied to come years down the line. The title track on the new album even kinda reminds me of “Bad Habits” (one of my favorite R&B songs I’ve ever done) too. 

So in a sense, this album is a bit of a tribute — to my musical roots and also the doses of R&B splattered throughout my discography. All of the songs, remixes, albums, singles, etc. I grew up listening to helped shape my musicality for me to create an album such as this one. I have to show gratitude to God for aligning me with the art that one day would inspire my own. To all of the relationships and situationships I had to endure throughout the years, I have to credit those as well. I wouldn’t have been able to pen any of these songs had me and my little fragile heart hadn’t been through what it has. These records span a course of almost 5 years, as the earliest was written and recorded back in 2020, and the most recent being finished the week of the album’s release (Feb 2025). As you can imagine, a lot went on in my life during that time. I went through a pretty terrible break up, got my heart broken pretty bad, and I found myself in a very lost, dark, and isolated place. I experienced different people and different situations during the course of this time—all of which taught me something new about myself and about people. Though a lot of heartbreak and sadness was probably caused, I have to be thankful for these experiences as well. They helped me learn, grown, and write these songs! Ha. And these songs, man. These songs will live forever; beyond me or whatever bullshit situation they were inspired from. 

The response from the album thus far has truly been lovely. I’m very proud to have another baby out into the universe that I can say I worked super hard on. A true labor of love, one that I was careful not to rush but to allow it to commence on its own timing. I have to thank all of my listeners and supporters for giving this album a listen, and continuing to do. You guys connecting with the music means the absolute world to me, and I’m so grateful and humbled to be able to provide some tunes for your ears.